February 18, 2019
Bulletin foe 24th February, 2019
February 21, 2019


Having spoken of the exceeding of God’s Son, the author pauses to inject a word of warning. There is great danger in drifting away from the revelation which God has made in Him, for drifting is as constant a danger in spiritual life as in the life of sailing. A boat might drift and be carried downstream past safe harbour if the crew members neglect to watch their position. Just as a boat can drift away so a Christian can drift away from Christ.

Likewise high way travellers dislike the sudden appearance of warning signs, but travel could be dangerous without the warnings. The author of Hebrews presents a series of warning signs throughout the book. They aren’t flashing lights, but they shout “danger!” if we do not heed the warning, we will not escape. Christ announced salvation; his followers confirmed it and God testified to it.

Why this serious warning?

The message was first spoken by the Lord Himself –  Mt. 4:17

It was confirmed to us by those who heard him- the early disciples –  Mk. 16:20;  1 Jh. 1:1

God testified to its truth through signs, wonders and miracles and gifts  –  Acts 2:22, 43; 2 Cor. 12:2; 1 Cor. 12:4, 7 ,11


Warning against neglect   –   Heb. 2:1-4

The Jewish Christians were encouraged not to turn away from the faith. If they were not careful pressure from non believing Jews or other influences could lead them away from Christ –  1Tim. 4:1-3,  2 Tim. 4:10

The writer challenged the Hebrew Christians to remember Christ’s teaching and the Christian message – what we have heard   –    Lk.9:62

They were to consider their ways and also to act on what they have heard   –    Mt. 7:24-27

Careful attention requires work, but this labour keeps believers from drifting away from Christ    –     2 Pet. 5-11

Drifting is always easier than maintaining the same position: Christians today also have subtle influences that could cause us in drift from Christ. Slow – moving current of temptation or harmful attitudes could carry us away from shore without our even noticing it. Such change happens gradually and undetected.

How does Christians drift away?

We may become careless or complacent in our devotion to Christ.

We may backslide into sin we formerly had rejected.

We may compromise our morals and disobey Christ’s teaching.

We may neglect Christian service and this becomes inactive Christians.

Add it.


Christians should pay careful attention to their faith. If disagreed Moses law brought punishment then disagreed the gospel would bring even far greater punishment   –    Lev 26:14;  Matt 13:18 – 22

The signs, wonders x various miracle and gifts of the Holy Spirit are meant to testify to the truth of the gospel message  –    Joh. 5:36 – 37,    Acts 9:31-42,  14: 1 – 20


Compare to God’s power and the majesty of his creation, man is insignificant but God is mindful (full mind) of God.   God crowned man with glory and honour when He created him in His image  –    Gen. 1:27

God also gave men the responsibility and tremendous authority of taking care of the world  –   Gen.1:28.

Due to sin man failed to live up to his potential, correctly fulfil this responsibility, or wisely use his authority. Gen. 3:17 – 19.

Today everything is obviously not under man control. Political institutions, marriages families, workplace and the environment portray the destruction and imperfection cause by sin   –  Rom. 8:20.

Jesus became human to live human life as intended:   Sinless and in perfect fellowship with God.  Jesus lived a perfect life and was the necessary sacrifice for sin so that sinful humanity could fulfil the words of Ps.8, to finally fulfil God’s plan.  The only way for people to be saved (and remained saved) and to receive God’s reward is to believe and continue to believe in the Lord Jesus  –   Acts 16:31

Jesus sacrifice brings His human brothers and sisters to glory. The glory that will one day be restored to people in the future kingdom   –  1 Cor.2:9

Christians are the ones Jesus makes holy and He did it once and for all. We have been made holy – set apart for God’s service cleansed and sanctified   –  2 Cor 5:11

God sees us as completely holy through the sacrifice of His Son; we must grow in our holiness as we live for God throughout our lives.

Jesus death and humiliation ended in victory that tells us that our journey of faith in His will also terminate in victory.

Like those faithful to God in Isaiah’s days, we should stay true to Christ and ignore the advice that would distract us from following Him   –   Isa.8:18


Death is the common fear and final experience of all people and only as a human being could Christ die  –   Jh.1:1, 14

Since sin and death are interconnected, Sin result in death, only by first breaking the power of sin could Christ then break the power of death   –   Rom 6:23;   5:12

Christ dealt the final blow to both Satan and death  –   1 Jh 3:8;  Col.2:15

People have always feared death. This fear has motivated them to exercise, to eat right, to seek medical attention and try to look and feel young still death strikes every time because it is unavailable    –    Heb.9:27

Christ destroys the fear of death. Christ death and resurrection set us free from the fear of death because death has been defeated. Live without fear and trust the Saviour.

Apart from Christ offering Himself as sacrifice for our sin, He is also able to bring hope to people in need.


Knowing that Christ suffered pain and faced temptation helps us to face our trials.  Jesus understands our struggles because He faced them as a human being. We can trust Christ to help us survive suffering and overcome temptation instead of drifting to the old way of life. What are you facing that you need Christ to face with you? When you face trials go to the Lord for strength and patience. Jesus understands your needs and is able to help.

Memory Verse‘Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage’  –  Galatians 5:1



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