25th Anniversary Thanksgiving Diocese of Lagos West: 15th - 20th November, 2024.










Archbishop Vining Memorial Church Cathedral is warmly disposed and ever committed to the totality of God’s work. In a nation and dispensation where tribalism and nepotism tend to be the order of the day, thus hindering God’s glory, AVMCC in worship provides an atmosphere which undoubtedly is a foretaste of what is obtainable in heaven, with all tribes and geo-political sections of Nigeria actively involved in the worship of the Most High God in faith and with faith inspiring testimonies attesting to the mighty presence of God. AVMCC is a blend of all that worship of God and service to God entail, in proportion, with focus on God Almighty, through Jesus Christ the one who bought the Church with His blood. The giving spirit in AVMCC which overflows unto unlimited welfarism, extended to all and sundry and done without attracting public applauds, is one of the hallmarks of this Anglican Church which remains worthy of emulation.

While remaining cognizant of the fact that the Church of God is one, with one Lord, one faith and one baptism, we remain Christians by grace and Anglicans by choice, both of which reflect in our worship. Archbishop Vining Memorial Church Cathedral situated in the capital City of Lagos State within Ikeja GRA, with close proximity to both Local and International Airports, remains committed to the prophecy, vision and purpose of God in enlisting men and women, boys and girls in the righteous army of the Lord in this end time dispensation, even as we daily await the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in glory. Thanksgiving is indeed a lifestyle in AVMCC and all we do under the auspices of the Holy Spirit amounts to seeking things that are above, counting on God’s grace and mercy to be RAPTURABLE.


Weekly Activities

Sunday Services

7:00am, 10:00am and 6:00pm.

Tuesday Bible Study


Wednesday Prayer Meeting



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