Bible Exposition for 15 January, 2019

Bulletin for 13th jan. 2019
January 10, 2019
January 15, 2019





Picking up from where we stopped, we are on to the 14th Chapter of the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark.  Though we are familiar with the accounts therein we are trusting God for fresh interpretation and understanding under the auspices of the Holy Spirit, the perfect teacher Himself.

The aim is not to retell the story, but it is to allow God speak to us choosing therein the worthy examples to emulate, what error to eschew or avoid, promises to claim, the command to obey, and of course sins to forsake.


  1. The plot of the Chief Priests and Scribes against Jesus Christ – vs. 1-2
  2. I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure which is: try to please everybody – Herbert Swope.  Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ inspite of the fact that He was all over the place in the power of the Holy Spirit using His anointing to do good was still HATED as evident in the PLOT to kill Him – Acts 10:38
  3. The powers that be were not comfortable with His popularity – Mark 2:2
  4. We must not be surprise at PLOTS by the enemies – Esther 3:9; Ps. 37:12; MALICE and their CRAFTNESS against us – Josh.9:4
  5. While being watchful and prayerful; by remaining at the centre of God’s will, we are bound to prevail like Jesus did over every Satanic plot (Hymn: In Christ Alone…  No scheme of men,)
  6. The anointing of Jesus at a supper in Bethany two days before His death – vs. 3-9
  7. We must offer timely service to God – Matt. 8:45; 1 Cor. 16:17
  8. We must never hide our love for Christ
  9. We must bew are of fault finding and fault finders who are always criticising every move in the Church – Matt. 7:4; Jh. 6:41
  10. Nothing is too much for our God Who owns the universe. Let us learn to treat MONEY as our servant not our MASTER.
  11. It is a DEADLY thing to lack understanding of spiritual things. This is unfortunately still evident in the Church to day – Ps. 32:9;  Prov. 12:11
  12. We must do things for POSTERITY, with the future in view – Jos. 4:7

The contract Judas made with the Chief Priest to betray Him – vs. 10-11

  1. Betrayal of TRUST and confidence reposed in a Christian is a SIN – Judge 16:18; Ps. 41:9; Micah 7:6
  2. God is able to expose EVIL DEVICE– Prov. 6:14, CONNIVANCE – Pro.24:24 and AVARICE against us – Josh. 7:21
  3. BRIBERY is sinful in the sight of God.


  1. Christ eating the Passover with His disciples, His instituting the Lord’s Supper and His discourse with them– 12-31
  2. The Lord Jesus Christ is still present with us in the power of the Holy Spirit. We must cultivate the consciousness of communing with Him.  Therein we have revelations and secrets often are exposed.
  3. Holy Communion – is valid anytime any day anywhere – 1 Cor. 11:26
  4. We must eschew taking and partaking of Holy Communion UNWORTHILY so that we can maximize the BENEFITS and BLESSINGS inherent in this MYSTERIOUS MEAL

1 Cor. 11:27-29.

  1. We must beware of SELF CONFIDENCE like Peter whenever we approach the TABLE or Communion with God – Prov. 28:26


  1. Christ’s agony in the garden – vs. 32-42
  2. We must pray in all situation – Ps. 5:3
  3. We must desire worthy Christian companionship – Gen. 2:18; Eccl. 4:9; Acts 13:2
  4. Inner Circle is scriptural. There should be some people whom you share intimacy with –

Mk. 9:2; Mk. 5:37

  1. the place of God’s Will is paramount in all we do. We must be submissive to His agenda – Lk. 1:38; Ps. 40:8; Matt. 6:10


  1. The Betrayal by Judas and His apprehension by the Chief Priests agents – vs. 43-52
  2. We must never undermine the DEPRAVITY of men as evident in Judas. His heartlessness and EVIL KISS are still prevalent among men today – Prov. 27:6; Heb. 3:11; Jer. 17:5ff
  3. We must be WISE in the display of our ZEAL for the Lord, the house of God and the things of God. Peter was not wise in the use of sword – Rm. 10:1-2; Mk. 1:44-45
  4. We must not be led by IMPULSE we must allow the leading of the Holy Spirit all of the time – Gal. 1:18
  5. Ability to stand in the face of trial, tribulation, trouble is one of the hall marks of a true Christian we must daily pray for this grace for ALL FLED and FOR SOOK JESUS in the face of TRIALS –Vs. 50; Prov. 24:10


  1. The arraignments of Jesus Christ before the High Priests, His Conviction and the indignities done to him at the bar – vs. 53-65
  2. If you are indeed a TRUE CHILD of GOD, the world will HATE you like Christ was HATED – Lk. 6:11
  3. False witnesses as evident in GOSSIP, SLANDERS, etc still abound today with Christians at the receiving end. Pray for SPEEDY vindication.
  4. People will always misinterpret and misrepresent you due to lack of understanding of the TRUTH and the purpose of your calling. Remain focused like Jesus Christ –

Jh. 6:52; Jh. 8:33

  1. Like Jesus we must know when to speak and when to be quiet – Eccl. 3:7; Josh. 6:10; Amos 5:13


  1. PETER’S DENIAL –Vs. 66-72
  2. Learning from Peter, evil association can hasten our fall. We must equally beware of WHERE WE STAND, SIT, and WALK – vs. 54 Ps.alm 1
  3. We must be STABLE – Prov. 24:21; Eph. 4:14; Heb. 13:9
  4. We must not be a COWARD – Numb. 13:33; Judges 7:3
  5. We must not fear any man – Deut. 1:7
  6. We must not backslide – Ex. 32:1; Lk. 9:62
  7. We must not LIE – Ps. 63:11; Isa. 44:25; Rev. 21:8
  8. We must however explore GODLY SORROW unto genuine repentance whenever we fail God – 2 Cor. 7:10 (JUDAS AND PETER)
  9. We must brace up for the spiritual test that may come our way from time to time because it is in overcoming the tests that we have TESTIMONIES. Abraham passed; we cannot afford to FAIL – Gen. 22:1; Deut.8:2; 1 Kings 3:5; Jh. 6:5-6; Acts 16:23-24; James 1:2-




10        CONCLUSION


 IN CHRIST ALONE  : Stanzas 1 & 4

In Christ alone my hope is found,                                       No guilt in life, no fear in death,
He is my light, my strength, my song;                                  This is the power of Christ in me;
this Cornerstone, this solid Ground,                                   From life’s first cry to final breath.
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.                    Jesus commands my destiny.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,                       No power of hell, no scheme of man,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!                       Can ever pluck me from His hand;
My Comforter, my All in All,                                                           Till He returns or calls me home,
here in the love of Christ I stand.                                        Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.

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