Growth is required for strength and exploits

March 20, 2019
Bulletin for 24th Mar. 2019
March 22, 2019

Chapter 6 opens with the connective ‘therefore’ which means it continues with prior discussion in the closing of Chapter 5. The Author continues to see lack of growth in the Faith as a serious issue in any Christian community. It is sad that one may be able to point to several assemblies of immature Christians whose stunted growth is of no concern to them. As captured in the Introduction to the Letter to the Hebrews, the Author raised an alarm; ‘you are not growing’! The chapter is also frank on the menace of ‘apostasy’. It is expedient we remain all-out for Jesus and all-ready for the Christian experience.

A. YOU ARE NOT GROWING!!! Hebrews 5:11 to 6:3
A stern rebuke ~ you are not growing??? A steep disappointment ~ We have so much to tell you about our High Priest Jesus Christ but hard to explain to you ~ A solemn warning ~ You could fall away – I am concerned about your attitude – you are dull of hearing – you are disinterested – you don’t come for Bible study/ vigils/retreats/programs/prayer meetings. I am not happy ~ Loving encouragement ~ I am confident you will improve (Heb 6:9-12).

1. In the last class last week, 4 issues were identified of the Jewish Christians in context: i) slow to learn, ii) still being taught when they should be teachers, iii) they were still taking milk instead of meat and iv)they need to grow to maturity and start taking solid food. No parent likes to see any child in this light. No teacher likes to see his students in this light. Ditto, no Pastor.
2. 5:11. We have many things to tell you about Jesus but you are dull of hearing – wrong attitude to learning (Mtt 13:13-17) – impervious to correction – stuck on baseless tradition – inflexible, yet gullible – tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine(Ephesians 4:14)
3. 5:12 & 6:1.We have been on the course ‘Introduction to Jesus’ – Jesus 101 all year round. They were happy to remain in Nursery School. God can’t do much with such people. He can’t trust them with revelations. You can’t put investment in the hand of a child. – Cross Reference Galatians 4: 1-3 the heir as long as he is a child is not different from a servant though he be lord of all – capacity
4. The Christian experience is a movement. Therefore, i) we have to keep moving, ii) we have to keep growing

(1)Repentance from dead works Mtt 3:2; 4:17 (2) Faith in God Rom 3:24-25; 5:1 (3) Baptism: Water Baptism Mtt 28:19 and Spirit Baptism Mtt 3:11; Acts 1:4-5, 11:16 (4) Laying on of hands: this happened in the Bible when:
i. Blessing Gen 48:14, Mtt 19:15 ii. Making Offerings Num 8:10-12
iii. Ordaining Num 27:18, 23 iv. Imparting Spirit Dt 34:9
v. Healing the sick Mk 6:5; 16:18; Acts 28:8 vi. Performing miracles Acts 19:11
vii. Imparting gifts 1Tim 4:14; 2Tim 1:6
(5) Resurrection of the dead 1Cor 15; 1Thess 4:13-16 (6) Eternal Judgment Mtt 25:46; Rev 14:9-11

It is important to note that the Bible is not saying it is wrong to teach these doctrines. Keeping the audience in mind, the Author discovered that the reason many are contemplating falling away from the Faith (Apostasy) as a result of persecution is because they had chosen not to grow; hence, gullible – easy to pull away. They have not grown in these teachings. They have not exercised them. They have not exercised their gifts. They were stalling on the principles. What can we say about V3?

1. Enlightenment: Eph 1:15-19; 5:8; Psalm 19:8b. We have stay enlightened
2. Taste of Heavenly Gift: Eph 2:8-9; 4:10-11; 1:3; 1Cor 12:7; 1Thess 5:19-20. We must operate and grow in the gifts given to us.
3. Partakers of the Holy Ghost: i)Baptized the Holy Ghost John 3:5-6. ii)Endued by the Holy Ghost Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8. iii)Gifted by the Holy Ghost 1Cor 12:8-11. iv)Helped by the Holy Ghost John 16:7; Rom 8:26. v)Sealed by the Holy Spirit Eph 1:13; 4:30
4. Taste of the Word of God (qualified as good):Cleanses Ps 119:9; Prevents from sin Ps 119:11; Eph 5:26 ; Builds Acts 20:32; Provokes faith Rom 10:17; Weapon of victory Eph 6:12; Guides Ps 119:101 etc
5. Taste of the powers of the world to come; experience eternal life John 10:10; Mk10:30

Anyone who has experienced the above 5 growth channels should not find it easy to apostatize (fall away from God). (v4 ‘for it is impossible for them to fall’). Should they fall away, it is difficult to rise. How do you begin to lay the foundation/elementary doctrines of Christ for them again, having gone through the whole hog? Chances are some of them will go deep in sin, become hopeless and be lost eternally. What they have done is defined as crucifying to themselves Christ afresh and put him to an open shame. Discuss the meaning of this.

V7. Christians are likened to the earth that receives rain (refer to ‘C’), utilizes it to bring forth useful herbs – serving their purpose of being saved. They shall blessed of God. Faithful servants will enter into the joy of their Lord Mtt 25:21&23
V8. The Apostates (fallen) are likened to the earth that receives rain (refer to ‘C’) but failed to make their salvation count by bringing forth thorns and briers, defaming the Gospel, making a mockery of Christ’s redemptive work. They will end up burned (in hell) Mtt 25:30
V9. Brethren, we are confident we shall not fall. We shall not neglect our salvation. Discussion: What are the things that accompany salvation?

i)Our work and labour of love count before God v10. ii) We must not be tired of ministering to the saints Gal 6:9-10. iii) We must be diligent to the end v11. We must follow right examples spiritual success v12. As Abraham endured, we should too. iv) If Abraham received the promise, we shall too. v) God is faithful to his promises – He even swore by his own name vs10a & 15. vi) God’s oath and promises are our consolation that we are not laboring in vain vs17-18. Our hope in God, given to us by the author and finisher of our faith is sure and steadfast vs19-20
Discussion: Once saved, forever saved. How true? Heb 10:35-39; 1Cor 10:12; 1Cor 9:24-27
It is obvious that immature Christians can’t do exploit for the Kingdom because they are not fit for the rigor of the journey. They are prone to failure in the days of adversity for lack of required strength. Solid food provides strength. Babies don’t fight war. Grown-ups do. To avoid falling away, we must commit to growing steadily in God for him to commit more into our hands.

Will your anchor hold in the storms of life, when the clouds unfold their wings of strife? When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain, will your anchor drift or firm remain?
We have an anchor that keeps the soul. Steadfast and sure while the billows roll.
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move. Grounded firm and deep in the Saviour’s love

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