Bulletin for 24th Mar. 2019
March 22, 2019
March 27, 2019


DATE: MARCH 20,  2019.



INTRODUCTION:  it is a dangerous thing to backslide. It is like a dog going back to its vomit. Backsliding means falling away or committing apostasy. This describes a process by which an individual who has converted to Christianity reverts to pre-conversion habits and /or lapses or falls into sin, when a person turns from God to pursue his own desire.

CONTEXT: From our passage, we see how Israel turned their back on God. They fell away from God’s commandments to worship idols. It was worse that they began to sacrifice their sons to idols. What a shame!

Paul and James write about Christians who revert to familiar sins or wander from their faith. They say that those Christians should be restored to the faith (Galatians 6:1; James 5:19–20).

When we encounter difficulties in life, harsh circumstances, or unfair treatment, we may question God’s activity or even His goodness. We may be tempted to “backslide.” Instead, we should take those questions and doubts to God Himself. Look into the Bible in those times for answers on God’s immutability and faithfulness. Pray (Luke 18:1).

The other kind of falling away in the New Testament describes a poser—a person who takes Christianity for a test-drive of sorts (Hebrews 6:4–6; Luke 8:13). This is a person who appears outwardly to be a Christian, but in fact never had a saving faith in Christ.

Jesus said He would act as a good shepherd and seek out the “lost sheep” (John 10; Matthew 18:12; Luke 15:3–7). He does not desire us to backslide, and He will bring His children back to Himself. God grants salvation to those who come to Him, and He is faithful to cleanse those who are His children from all their sins (1 John 1:9). If a genuine believer in Christ backslides, it will only be for a time.

Have you ever watched a TV nature programme where a lion was chasing after lunch in the form of a gazelle or a zebra? He usually gets the straggler, the one that is separated from the rest. In the same way, the devil often grabs the stragglers, those who are following at a distance. Don’t follow at a distance. Get as close as you possibly can. You can never be too close to Jesus.

CONCLUSION : Are you growing spiritually, or you are now in a state of regression? Remember, backsliding is not just going backward; it is a failure to go forward. Why not make a fresh commitment today to move forward in your relationship with Jesus?



  1. Father, by your grace, I will not fall away from your will.
  2. Revive me, oh Lord, and flush out every secret sin in it in Jesus’ Name.
  3. Oh lord, fill me with Your Spirit.
  4. Jesus, open my eyes to see aright, think aright and act aright.
  5. Grace that makes it difficult to backslide, fall on me abundantly in Jesus’ Name..
  6. Father, surround me with God-fearing people that will propel my continual growth in you in Jesus’ Name.

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