March 29, 2019
Bulletin for 31st Mar. 2019
March 29, 2019

DATE: MARCH 29, 2019.


TEXT:   GENESIS 43:28.

INTRODUCTION: Dream, within the context of this passage, is a series of thoughts, visions or feelings that happen during sleep.  It is a statement and a matter of fact that dream is one of the ways in which God speaks  to His children.  Biblical and contemporary examples abound in this regard.

Joseph had a glorious dream.  Though he shared it with his brethren who felt bad and uncomfortable about it such that they tried to kill the dream, it eventually came to pass; for they indeed BOWED DOWN THEIR HEADS and MADE OBEISANCE to Joseph.

  1. There are dream killers.                                 2.            There are dream hijackers.
  2. There are dream derailers. 4.            There are dream distractors.
  3. There are dream encouragers.
  4. Not everybody has the right to hear and know about our dreams.
  5. There are negative and positive dreams.
  6. There are satanic/demonic dreams from the pit of hell, and there are dreams from the Lord’s throne.
  1. Dreams can be a reflection of what God has in store.
  2. Dreams can be a revelation of hidden secrets and agenda.


  1. Pray the positive ones to manifestation.
  2. Cancel negative ones by the blood of Jesus Christ.

For our glorious dreams to come to pass, we must learn from Joseph:

  1. He was sincere. 2.            He was open-minded.  He meant well for his brethren.
  2. He hated what God hated.
  3. He was careful not to sin against God.
  4. He did not betray the trust and the confidence reposed in him by his master.
  5. He was faithful in handling other people’s business.
  6. He was sensitive to the needs of others.
  7. He was diligent in the use of his gift.
  8. He was not lazy.
  9. He refused to be offended in God.
  10. He was optimistic. 12.          He was industrious.


Though the enemy of Joseph took his cloth of many colours, his dream was kept alive.

What is that glorious dream that God has shown you of a glorious future? Keep praying and meditating on it.  Stay in line with God and shun every appearance of sin. Keep believing God, and your dream which is for an appointed time shall surely come to fulfilment.

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