Bulletin for 20th July, 2019
July 19, 2019
Bulletin for 28th July, 2019
July 25, 2019

DIOCESE OF LAGOS WEST(Anglican Communion)


Heavenly Father from whom all good gifts cometh and to whom we owe the gratitude for provisions for every kingdom vision, we yield our heartiest thanks to you for the establishment of the Diocese of Lagos West two decades ago.

We thank You for that little beginning like mustard seed that has blossomed to enviable heights.  We thank You and give You all the glory for the pioneering efforts by the Houses of Bishop, Clergy and Laity and the grace given to succeeding generations of men, women, young and old to build upon and run with the vision

We thank You that we have never been in want of the essential human, material, financial and spiritual resources for sustenance; for all we have needed your hand has indeed bountifully provided unto overflowing.

Grant us grace and mercy as we mark this 20th Anniversary and as You remain our refuge and strength, that your glory upon us as a Diocese shall never become Ichaboad and that Your work continually prosper in our hand so that it does not become desolate, a proverb or a byword.

Remain our strength O Lord like the eagle’s, as we continually wait upon you and enable us to continually soar and attain greater heights even as we remain committed to Your vision. Grant us O Lord Grace to keep running with it without becoming weary and continuing in our Christian commitment to enlarge God’s kingdom on earth without fainting.

All of these and many mercies we ask for as we continue to lift up our eyes to You alone for help for the Houses of Bishop, Clergy and Laity, unto latter glories, greater exploits and unprecedented testimonies; all to the glory of Your Name alone, the shame of the devil and our everlasting blessing till the Second Coming of Christ in glory in Jesus Name. Amen.

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