Bulletin for Sunday 6th Dec. 2020
December 3, 2020
December 9, 2020

We are delighted to announce that, after a long search, God has answered our prayers for a new Dean.
Please welcome the Venerable Ebenezer Ajayi Adewole and his wife Margaret to our Cathedral family. They are delightful people.
Please take time to join us for worship on Sundays 7.00am and 10.00a.m, in Bible Study every Tuesday, 6.00p.m., or at  Prayer Meeting at 6.00p.m..

The Dean and his family were officially welcomed by the Cathedral Group of Churches in conjunction with the Cathedral congregation on Monday 30th November, 2020

A welcome Service was held in their honour at the Cathedral at 10.00am prompt.

Again we prayed for God’s guidance and protections upon them and wish them successful ministry in the Cathedral.

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