Lesson 11
August 17, 2023
Bulletin for Sunday 20th August, 2023
August 23, 2023

DATE: Sunday 27thAugust 2023


TEXT: Galatians 5:19-21


  1. To teach that the works of the flesh are threat to Christian fellowship.
  2. To teach that God wants us to outgrow the flesh.


There are certain threats to Christian’s fellowshipping with one another. Many people have been hurt from fellow Christians. Several people have been offended, betrayed, stabbed, abandoned, denied, etc.

Several Christians have not shown CHARACTER but have largely displayed the works of the flesh and immaturity in handling personal life and relating with one another.


There has been disunity amongst Christians. The longest prayer of Jesus recorded in the Bible as seen in John 17 centers on the need that CHRISTIANS should be one. THAT THEY MAY BE ONE.

We are going to examine some of the treats to Christian fellowship.



  1. Mention the works of the flesh as written in Galatians 5:19-21
  2. Discuss the reasons why the works of the flesh is found in the lives of most people who are self-professing Christians? Gal 5:16, Gal 5:24
  3. Personal Reflection:


What binds Christians together (walking in the spirit) is more powerful than what needlessly tears them apart (walking in the flesh)

Which of the works of the flesh is still manifesting in our lives? Can you go to God for forgiveness and repentance now?


MEMORY VERSE: Galatians 5:16

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