January 23, 2025
Bulletin for Sunday, 26th Jan. 2025
January 31, 2025

DATE: MARCH 30TH, 2025


TEXT: MATTHEW 5: 13- 14


  1. To teach that Christians are called to be a preserving influence in a world that is prone to decay and corruption.
  2. To teach that Christians are called to illuminate the world by sharing the gospel, living a life of integrity and speaking the truth in love.


Matthew 5:13–14 can be considered an admonition from the following perspectives

  1. Direct Address: Jesus directly addresses His followers, calling them “salt of the earth” and “light of the World” This direct address implies a specific role and responsibility.
  2. Warning: The passage includes a warning about the consequences of losing saltiness (becoming ineffective) and hiding one’s light. This serves as a strong motivation to fulfill the intended purpose.
  • Call to Action: The verses encourage active participation. Christians are not merely observers but are called to be active agents of change and influence in the world.

To understand how to become salt and light in the world, let’s examine their qualities and how they translate to Christian living.

  1. SALT:
  2. Preserves food from spoilage: As Christians, we are called to preserve the goodness and purity of our communities by standing firm against temptations and moral decay. (Romans 12: 2). WE encourage others to live virtuous lives. (Proverbs 11: 3)
  3. Flavor: As salt enhances the taste of food, Christians are to add flavor to the world by showing kindness and compassion. (Galatians 5: 22 – 23). We uplift others and help them overcome challenges. (Hebrews10: 24 – 25). We share our gifts and abilities to bless others. (1 Corinthians 12: 7)
  4. Healing: Christians can bring healing to a broken world by extending grace and reconciliation. (Ephesians 4: 32). Comforting those in need. (James 1: 27). Ministering to the sick and needy. (Matthew 25: 35 – 40)


  1. Worldliness: When Christians conform to the world’s values, they lose their distinctiveness
  2. Hypocrisy: When actions contradict faith losing credibility and impact.
  3. Spiritual Apathy: When Christians become lukewarm and indifferent to the needs of others.
  4. LIGHT:
  5. Illumination: Light dispels darkness and reveals the truth. Therefore, Christians are called to proclaim the truth of God’s love and salvation. (Acts1: 8). Share our faith with gentleness and respect. (Ephesians 4: 15)

ii.   Guidance: Light guides us through darkness and shows us the way. So, Christians should offer spiritual direction. (James 5: 16).Serve as role models of Christian character. (Philippians 2: 15)

iii. Hope: Light brings hope and dispels despair. Christians are to offer hope to a world that desperately needs it by encouraging others and helping them overcome challenges. (Hebrews10: 24 – 25)



  1. What does it mean to be “the salt of the earth “? How can we lose our saltiness? (Luke 14: 34).
  2. Mention ways we can “flavor ” our communities with our faith and values. (Galatians 5 22 – 23).
  3. What does it mean to be “the light of the world ” and how can we shine our light brightly?(Acts1: 8).
  4. How can we provide guidance and direction to those who are lost or confused? (John 5: 16).
  5. What are the rewards and blessings that come from living as salt and light? (John 5: 16)



Jesus enjoins believes to be salt and light of the world. As salt preserves, adds flavor and cleanses, how are you preserving, adding flavor and cleansing your community?

CONCLUSION:In essence, being salt and light means that Christians are called to be a positive force in the world making a difference in the lives of others and pointing them to Christ.


Matthew 5: 16 ” Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven “

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