Confirmation Service
May 23, 2018
May 23, 2018

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Advocate – 1 John 2:1;
Almighty – Rev. 1:8
Amen – Rev. 3:14.
Alpha and Omega – Rev. 1:11
Ancient of Days – Dan. 7:9
Anointed Preacher Is. 61:1
A Merciful High Priest- Heb. 2:17
Arm of the Lord Is. 53:1
Apostle of our Profession – Heb. 3:1
Author and Finisher of Faith – Heb. 12:2
Beloved Son Matt. 2:15
Beginning of God’s Creation- Rev. 3:4
Bishop of our Souls – 1 Pet. 2:25
Branch – Is. 2:20
Bridegroom – Matt. 9:15
Bread of Life – John 6:35
Burdens Bearer – Is. 53:4
Captain of our Salvation – Hab. 2:10
Chief Cornerstone – Eph. 2:20
Chief Shepherd – 1 Pet. 5
Christ Jesus our Lord – Rom. 8:39
Commander – Is. 55:4
Conqueror of Death – Acts 2:24
Conqueror of Sin – Rom. 8:3
Counsellor – Isaiah 9:6
Dayspring – Luke 1:78
Deliverer – Rom. 11:26
Divine Servant – Isaiah 42:1
Elect of God – Isaiah 42:1
Eternal One – Heb. 7:3
Emmanuel – Matt. 1:23
Everlasting Father – Isaiah 9:6
Forerunner – Heb. 6:20
Everlasting Ruler – Dan. 7:14.
Faithful Witness – Rev. 1:5
First Begotten – Rev. 1:5
First Born from the Dead – Col. 1:8
Gift of God – John 4:8
Glory of God – Isaiah 11:4
Good Master – John 13:13
God of Justice – Isaiah 40:5
Great Prophet – Luke 24:19
Great Provider – Matt. 15:36
Great High Priest – Heb. 4: 14
God in the Flesh – 1 Tim. 3:16
Healer – 1 Pet. 2:24
Head of the church – Eph. 1:22
Heir of all things – Heb. 1:2
Holy Child – Acts 4:27
Acts of Holy One – Acts 3:16
Holy One of Israel – Is. 41:14
Horn of Salvation – Luke 1:69
I am – John 8:58
Image of the Invisible God – Col. 1:15
Image of God – Col. 1:15
Jesus – Matt. 1:21
Justifier – Gal. 2:16
King of Kings – Rev. 19:16
Kings of Jews – Matt. 2:2
Lamb of God – John 1:1
Last Adam – I Cor. 15:45
Light of the World – John 8:12
Lion of the Tribe of Judah – Rev. 5:5
Lords of lords – 1 Tim. 6:15
Messiah – John 4:25
Mediator – 1 Tim. 2:5
Morning Star – Rev. 22:16
Needs Supplier – Phil. 4:19
Omnipotent – Rev. 19:6
Omnipresent – Matt. 18:20
Omniscient – John 4:29
Prince of Life – Acts 3:15
Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6
Quick Spirit – I Peter 3:4
Redeemer – Isa. 60:16
Rock of Ages – 1 Col. 10:4
Sanctifier – Jn. 17:19
Son of God – Jn 1:34
Saviour – Matt. 1:21
Son of Man – Matt. 8:20
Son of Righteousness – Mal. 4:2
The Creator – Col. 1:16
The Door – John 10:7
The Lily of the Valley – S.O.S. 2:1
The Abba Father – Rom. 8:15
The Resurrection and Life John 11:25
True Vine – John 15:1
The Way, Truth and Life – Jn. 14:6
Unchangeable Lord – Heb. 13:8
Vine – John 15:5
Word of God – John 1:1
Wisdom of God – 1 Cor. 1:24;
Prov. 8
Wonderful – Isa. 9:6
Yea and Amen – 11 Cor. 1:20,
Rev. 1:18
Zeal of the Lord – Isa. 9:7; Lk. 4:18

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