One of the greatest challenges that every Christian will have to contend with in life is how to FIND AND DO THE WILL OF GOD. This is because, nobody who is SELF WILLED can claim to be a true Christian. A Christian is that man, woman, boy, girl, young or old who has RENOUNCED his/her own will and submits to the will of God for his/her life in all spheres of HUMAN ENDEAVOURS.
God’s will are HIS PLAN, PURPOSE, AGENDA, BLUEPRINT, MANDATE, etc for our lives. The life of Jesus Christ on earth during His earthly ministry is a perfect illustration of absolute conformity to the will of God – Heb. 10:7, Mark 14; Jh. 17:4. Just like Jesus was assigned to specific tasks to perform on earth, so each Christian is similarly assigned a special task. It is therefore the responsibility of each and everyone of us to learn from the Lord His plan and purposes for our lives and do HIS WILL.
- There is a divine blueprint for each one of God’s people.
- The plans of God for each of us is suited to: (a) Our personalities (b) Talents (c) Needs (d) Potentialities (e)
- He created us unto GOOD WORKS – Eph. 2:10, Acts 10:38.
- We have specific tasks to carry out – Heb. 12:1.
- We are running different RACES.
- We must desire to finish the course assigned to us as an individual – 2 Tim. 4:7.
- God’s plan for each of us is PERSONAL – Ps. 32:8.
- God’s plan is DETAILED – Ps. 37:23.
- God’s plan is CONTINOUS – Isaiah 58:11.
- God’s plan is DEFINITE
- God’s plan is specific – Isaiah 30:21
- God’s plan must be SOUGHT for – Ps. 143:8
- It is perfect
- It is good
- It is acceptable
- It entails separation from sin – 1 Thess. 4:3
- It entails Prayer and thanksgiving – 1 Thess. 5:16-18.
- It mandates good deeds – 1 Peter 2:15.
- It is wisdom to know and do God’s will – Eph. 5:17.
- The perfect will
- The permissive will of God
- Numbers 22:23 – Balaam – Num. 22:12-34
- King Hezekiah – Isaiah 38:1-6
- DANGER OF SELF WILL – 2 Kgs. 20:1-21, 21, 1-7.
This is disastrous as it is always ever at variance with God’s will. Selfishness, stubbornness and the desire to please self as evident in the case study of Samson is a tragic mistake that must be avoided. They are documented for our learning – Jer. 10:23.
- We must TRUST in the Lord – Ps. 37:3, Ps. 32:8.
- We must DELIGHT ourselves in the Lord 37:4, Isaiah 40:8
- We must commit our way unto the Lord – Ps. 37:5
- We must REST in the Lord.
- We must WAIT patiently for the Lord – Ps. 37:7
- We must surrender to the will of God.
- We must be willing to obey the will of God – Rm. 12:1-2
- We must be separated from the world.
- We must run away from sin.
- We must be spiritually minded with a commitment to the renewal while eschewing carnality.
- SOME OF THE WAYS TO AS CERTAIN GOD’S WILL (This is not exhaustible)
- There is no set pattern
- God deals with us differently and personally. Do not look at another man’s watch to determine your time and divine purpose.
- God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.
- God often guides through verses of the scripture speaking loudly to us. He brings portions of the Bible to our minds. God’s will is never contrary to the Bible.
- God guides us through INNER CONVICTION – Rm. 8:16.
- God guide through AUDIBLE voice – Acts 13:2.
- God guides into His will through CIRCUMSTANCES – 2 Sam. 5:22-25; 1 Cor. 16:9.
- God guides through VISIONS – Acts 16:9-10, Acts 10:9-11.
- God guides through DREAMS AND REVELATIONS – Num. 12:6, Jer. 23:28.
- God guides through PROPHETS and PROPHECY Acts 13:1-2, 1 Cor. 12:28.
- We can be guided by putting out a FLEECE – Judge 6:37-39. Case study of Abraham’s servant in choosing a wife for Isaac – Gen. 24:9-24.
- By seeking counsel from those who know the Lord and His word – Pr. 11:14.
- Godly parents can be instrument of guide.
- There are certain BUS STOPS in life wherein we must watch it carefully to ascertain God’s will. These include among many others. Choice of school, choice of carrier, locations and places of abode marital choices etc. Ruth1; Gen. 26:1-15; Jugs 14:1-3.
As the events of 2019 unfolds, we need to submit our will to God’s will. Expectedly we must have our plans, daily, weekly, monthly, and for the year. This plan must cut across all spheres of our human endeavours, spiritual, financial, moral, academic, marital etc. We can never afford to live our lives just taking whatever comes our way. We must ascertain the will, purpose and agenda of God for our lives so that we do not become part of the wasted generation. His thought for us is GOOD and not evil – Jer. 29:11.
It is in doing God’s will that we live forever – 1 Jh. 2:17. The will of God is supreme.