Bulletin for 17th February, 2019
February 18, 2019
February 19, 2019

READINGS:   ISAIAH 30:18-21; PSALM 34:1-13; 1 CORINTHIANS 4:1-13; MATTHEW 5:1-12.


Today is Septuagesima Sunday meaning seventy days before Easter.  Septuagesima is the first o f the three Sundays that precede Eater; others are Sexagesima and Quinquagesima respectively.  By all indications, we are moving very closely to the annual season of Lent.  IN this vein, we are looking at the kind of life which Christians are called to live – a life exemplified by Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  Those who emulate Him are often regarded as fools according to the standard of men.

Apostle Paul is a typical example of those who are fools for Christ’s sake.  Had he remained a Jewish rabbi, he could have attained great heights in the Jewish religion (Gal. 1:14).  Had he sided with the Jewish legalists in the Jerusalem Church and not ministered to the Gentiles, he could have avoided a great deal of persecution (Acts 15; 21:17ff).  For denying himself of all the privileges, he became a fool according to the standards of men.  However, the Corinthians were wise in their own eyes, but they were actually fools in the sight of God.  By depending on the wisdom and the standards of the world, they were acting like fools.  Therefore, the way to be spiritually wise is to become a fool in the eyes of the world (1 Cor. 3:18).


  1. They deny the existence of God (Ps. 14:1).
  2. They believe they can live apart from God (Rom. 3:23; 10:9-11).
  3. Their foolish behaviours has no lasting value (Prov. 9:1ff; Lk. 12:15-21).
  4. They reject the Gospel, and Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 2:6-16)
  5. They trust in their wealth and political power (Ps. 20:7-8)


Paul draws a contrast between the Christians in Corinth and the apostles, suggesting that the life of a true believer is in contrast to the standards of the world, as often said that we are in the world but not of the world.

Apparently, there was problem at Corinth on account of those who prized the sophisticated rhetoric and displays of philosophical prowess that marked and characterized the orators of the day, who were trying to hybridize the wisdom of the world and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Every believer must be ready to be a fool in the eyes of men.  To be a fool is to appear gullible to the things of this world so as to be wise to those things that have eternal value.

The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1ff) contains a list of Divine blessings that await those who are fools in the eyes of the world. These are people who do not live according to the standard of the world but have heaven in focus.

As a result of this, we are ready to endure sufferings; bless even when cursed.  We are not mindful of the way we are being treated and persecuted.  By world standards, we should retaliate; but in the eyes of God, “the weapons of our warfare are not canal”.  We can endure every form of persecution, because the grace of God is always sufficient.  So, in all things, we seek to respond in love.  Therefore, like Paul and other Apostles were vindicated so also we will be vindicated and brought to the glory of God, as it is written: “The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry (Ps. 34:15) cc (Isa. 30:18-21).


Those who believe in the Resurrection and put their faith in the Christ will know all they need to know to be saved.


However, this knowledge cannot be grasped by even the wisest people in the world unless they accept the message of God through Christ. Truly,

the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing.

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