The Lord Bishop has directed that we revert to our usual two services per Sunday with effect from the 27th day of September, (OUR NATIONAL HARVEST) with usual 7:00am and 10:00am Services
1) Parishioners are enjoined to please attend any of the 2 services of their choice, gaily adorned in the traditional attires of their States and Cultures, to praise God at the 2020 National Harvest Thanksgiving, for His protection and love that had seen us through and alive during the Covid19 pandemic.
2) Seats shall be labeled to accommodate respective States. The Church has directed and we appeal to Parishioners, to seat in the respective pews allocated and labeled for their States.
3) There shall be a general Thanksgiving for the National Harvest during which time, parishioners shall dance, rejoice and give thanks to God in their respective sitting areas. General, individual envelopes shall be distributed for this.
4) There shall be no formal entertainment, love feast or sharing of food, of any kind and in whatever form.
5) In order to comply with Government and Church physical distancing protocols of Covid 19, there shall be no march or procession on state by state basis, this year.
May the almighty God grant us grace to overcome the Covid 19 pandemic and resume our social, boisterous dining fellowships in the very near future, in Jesus name, amen. 

6) State Coordinators and Flag-bearers shall proceed to the Altar to represent their respective constituencies (States) during the Thanksgiving Ceremony at each of the 2 Services on Sunday September 27, 2020.
7) State Coordinators shall collate the contributions of their respective constituents, before the time for Thanksgiving, and shall bring these to the Altar with dancing and appreciation to God, when called upon.
8) Further announcements shall be made during the 2 Church Services on Sunday September 20, 2020.
We appeal to our Dear Parishioners to please bear these guidelines in mind as we plan and prepare to rejoice in the Lord.
This is for our safety and well-being. God bless us as we comply.