Bulletin for Sunday 26th Nov. 2023
November 25, 2023
November 26, 2023

TEXT: Revelation 2:1-4


  1. To teach thatour love for Christ is expected to grow every day.
  2. To teach that the end of every journey is better than the beginning.

INTRODUCTION: Revelation 2:1-7 contains Jesus’ message to the church in Ephesus, the first of seven exhortations to various churches in the Roman Empire. Ephesus had some unique challenges for a Christ-follower in that it was home to the Emperor’s cult and the worship of the Greek goddess Artemis (Acts 19:23-40). Because of these influences, the Ephesian believers had developed great discernment when it came to false teachers and heresy.Christ commended them for this discernment.

Despite the commendations,He faulted them for having lost their “first love.”Christ had something against this church—they did not love Christ or each other as much as they had at first. The Ephesians, though commended for their zeal in protecting the faith, nevertheless. Their love and passion as received when they first met Christ had dwindled.

Every church should have pure faith and root out heresy. But these good efforts should spring from their love for Jesus Christ and for other believers. Both Jesus and John stressed love for one another as an authentic proof of the gospel (John 13:34; 1 John 3:18-19). In the battle to maintain sound teaching and moral and doctrinal purity, it is possible to lose a charitable spirit. Therefore, in all that we do, we must reflect Christ’s love.


  1. ReadMark 12:30,Psalm 37:4  Matthew 6:33, Luke 14:26 and discushow we can keep our fire of love for Christ?
  2. Mention some factors that can hinder our love for Christ( l4: 5, Isaiah 59:2, James 1:26, John 6:26, Gal. 1:10)
  3. Discuss with examples, ways through which church in 21st century is losing her love for Christ.


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: true spiritual maturity means that Jesus is increasing and that we are decreasing. Our goal is to let Him be seen and be known while we remain cloaked.

MEMORY VERSE:But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8).

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