March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024

TEXT: Proverbs 3:5-6

DATE: 10TH MARCH, 2024 


  1. To teach us that access to divine direction is secured as we lean on God.
  2. To teach how we can lean on God in such a time as this.


To lean on God is to solely depend or rely on Him in all things. This is when we acknowledge the fact that we are not sufficient of ourselves; when we get to a point that we need God and therefore we allow God to hold the reins of our lives (2 Cor. 3:5). This kind of dependence on God is to be done with the whole of our heart; we cannot afford to have alternatives with God. It is either we hold unto Him fully and trust Him to lead, help and guide our lives or we don’t (Psalm 9:10). In Exodus 14, the Israelites were at a crossroad when they left Egypt, the sea was at their front and the Egyptians were at their back; they were able to escape their enemies because they depended on God. It is when you lean on God totally that He can fight for you, and it is when He fights for you that you can hold your peace in all areas of life.


  1. In your own term what do you understand by leaning on God?
  2. Give various examples of those who lean on God in the Bible and discuss how they depended on Him whole heartedly (1 Samuel 30:1-19, Roman 4:16-22, Mark 10:17-30)
  3. Discuss practical ways one can lean on God in such a time like this (1 Kings 17:1-16, Psalm 34:5, 2kings 4:1-7)
  4. What are the benefits of leaning on God? (Jeremiah 33:3, Exodus 14:14,19-28)
  5. Explain the dangers of not leaning on God especially in a time like this (Genesis 16:1-6. Genesis 21:8-11)

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: To lean on God, you must first trust Him, it is when you have come to the level of knowing that God can never fail or disappoint, that leaning on God can become a lifestyle.

MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 34:5 “They looked unto Him and were lightened and their faces were not ashamed”.


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